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The true story of Cyrus, the Italian dinosaur who graced the cover of Nature

The true story of Cyrus, the Italian dinosaur who graced the cover of Nature

Source: Focus.it Tradotto in inglese da Monica e Tiziana Origgi e Barbara Conforti Cyrus is the first dinosaur discovered in Italy on march 26th

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Source: Focus.it

Tradotto in inglese da Monica e Tiziana Origgi e Barbara Conforti

Cyrus is the first dinosaur discovered in Italy on march 26th 1998, that’s when he appeared on the newspaper Nature.

Cyrus is one of the most important fossils in the history of paleontology: a carnivorous dinosaur pup of a new species (Scipionyx samniticus) that impressed the scientific world with its exceptionally well-preserved state of internal organs, never before seen in any other dinosaur. So much so that after 110 million years we can observe its muscle cells, blood vessels, capillaries and even the bacteria and food remains contained in the intestines.

Thanks to Cyrus, we can establish that some dinosaurs were homeotherms, as birds and mammals.

The discovery of Cyrus was annouced in a weekly magazine five years before Nature.

The discoverer Giovanni Todesco announced this discovery to the Superintendence of Naples “Hello, we are the magazine Oggi, and we could like to deliver a dinosaur to you.”

