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The risk of climate change

The risk of climate change

Today the water is more scarcity, than the past because of the climate change and the human interventions. The hydrogeological instability, was the

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Today the water is more scarcity, than the past because of the climate change and the human interventions.

The hydrogeological instability, was the union of different process, that produced degradation of soil, that are triggered to different factor, and caused seriosly consequence as floods,  landslides and avalanches.

The major phenomenon as the trasport of the mass manure fans, in the zone, that are related the action of the water surfice, thefore the best common, is floods common in specific zone.

The expert study this phenomenon, for a long side is realized surveys, always much frequently, to stablish the risk of the degradation of the soil of each territory.

This work is important to take action, in time and find to prevent this phenomenon, also thanks to tecnology, and for informated the autority immediatly, for much security and to avoid that this phenomenon, it will present in the future.

A cura di Monica e Tiziana Origgi

