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Icon: construction of 3D printed houses on the Moon and in Marte

Icon: construction of 3D printed houses on the Moon and in Marte

Born the Progect Olympus, that it can permit to built house on the space, in particulary on the planet Marte and in the Moon, thaks to the 3D printed.

Marte: scoperti laghi salati
Il sogno di Marte in 45 giorni. Gli scienziati canadesi puntano sul laser
Colpo di scena, gli scienziati hanno capito come trovare la vita su Marte

Born the Progect Olympus, that it can permit to built house on the space, in particulary on the planet Marte and in the Moon, thaks to the 3D printed.

This project permit the rivolutionate the life on the space, and create in the future turism.

The project is the society Icon, that is a leader in the costruction of the 3D printed house, and is funded by the Nasa for 57,2 milions of dolary, and this system permit to exploit the lunar resouces, to costruction stable house about in two lunar corps.

This project is co-financed by the Departement of US defence, to permit at the Nasa to established on the Moon, and create a based to control the space and the solar system, so more precise and accurate.

A cura di Monica e Tiziana Origgi
