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L’accordo di Parigi: Le attività di cooperazione e le opportunità per le imprese italiane

L’accordo di Parigi: Le attività di cooperazione e le opportunità per le imprese italiane

Level: National and Regional Event Title of the Event: L’accordo di Parigi: Le attività di cooperazione e le opportunità per le imprese i

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Level: National and Regional Event
Title of the Event: L’accordo di Parigi: Le attività di cooperazione e le opportunità per le imprese italiane
Description of the event:
The Paris Agreement: Cooperation activities and opportunities for Italian companies

Monday, May 30, 2016 – Conference Room Confindustria SiciliaVia Alessandro Volta 44 – Palermo

The Paris Agreement on climate change is a fundamental ethical commitment by all governments of the world and a great development opportunity for a new economy based on a more efficient use of resources, thanks to technological progress.

The agreement therefore addresses the countries towards the development of a circular economy and represents an important opportunity for the green economy companies that have developed new technologies that will make a tangible contribution to the fight against climate change and who are interested to open new markets in emerging countries.

The seminar, organized by Confindustria Sicilia, partner of Enterprise Europe Network in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment, will present the aid policies initiated by the Ministry in the international arena as a potential support to small and medium-sized Italian companies operating in the fields of renewable energy and energy efficiency, particularly with regard to the opportunities arising from international multilateral funds financed by Italy and the regional development banks.

During the works we describe the procedures for participation in international competitions.

Event website: http://http://www.confindustriasicilia.it/eventi.asp?id_tipo_ev=2&id_evento=1553&pagesize=10&page=&data=30/5/2016
Contact e-mail : g.platania@confindustriasicilia.it
