HomeBanche d'Italia

The bank book the restaurant, it takes the piggy bank, and wash the machine

The bank book the restaurant, it takes the piggy bank, and wash the machine

A cura di Monica e Tiziana Origgi Today the bank challenge each other, and it will affirm a gradual process of convenience, of more products for ex

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A cura di Monica e Tiziana Origgi

Today the bank challenge each other, and it will affirm a gradual process of convenience, of more products for example: the account, payment card.

The origins of this phenomenon are different, some are physiological, and they are related to needs of the clients, of the major rapidilly to compare the offer of different players, and the increase of the digital population, that  take for granted always elements of the bank offer.

Other are  attributable to the diffusion of commercial approaches and princing strategies, for example the sell bundle, and the diffusion of the business models, freemium, that they have pointed more fintech entreprises, to scope quotes of markets.

On the other hand the clients became more sensible for the price about some traditional products and services.

On the sector of payements the Observatory of Digital Banking Replay, have discovered, that there are a major diffusion of credit cards to guarantee the security, and the possibility to unblock realtime the physical cards, on the mobile banking.
