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The military service or the civic leverage?

The military service or the civic leverage?

The young people in the old age, they must do the miliry service obbligatory, for a year, because was obbligatory imposed by the gouvernenment, that l

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The young people in the old age, they must do the miliry service obbligatory, for a year, because was obbligatory imposed by the gouvernenment, that law was abolished in the 2005.

But now there isn’t obbligatory, there are many paths, that the young people can be done, after the school  they are payed to do a paths in the civic leverage for a year to learn a work, and it is a method for help young people to find a job, in the same time to do something else to find the paths of their life.

This is a major method to find a job and hold them away from the road, because if the young people are educated not bad, not exist any baby gang, that destroy the image of the young people, and no rapresent each young people, but only a group of people that are educated bad from their parents, and the majority of them comes from complex reality, that the istitution not invest in this particular reality and they are abbondonated from the istitution, thefore attacks more hight from the people, that exploit this reality to their advantage.

This people not listen the istitution and the degradation are very high.

A cura di Monica e Tiziana Origgi
