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Rare lands: Italy’s step to not depend on China

Rare lands: Italy’s step to not depend on China

Italy moves for rare earth mining, our country in fact needs independence in chips and raw materials. Italy needs independence on raw materials and

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Italy moves for rare earth mining, our country in fact needs independence in chips and raw materials.

Italy needs independence on raw materials and chips, to respond to China and cut that link that seems otherwise inseparable, but also somewhat detrimental to our country. That is why it is moving ahead on rare earth mining.

The Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy has said that we need this independence, let’s see the speech just made. The independence is important for the italian population and to satisfy all needs of the country, because the geopolitics are changing rapidly, and it is necessary to adapt to the international relationships that can change the priority of the country.

Geopolitics are a very current issue today and an engine for the economy, especially on a global level, because it is in constant evolution, and today the geopolitics evolve in realtime, determining the movement of the market.

Source: motori.virgilio.it

Traduzione in inglese di Tiziana Origgi, Monica Origgi e Barbara Conforti
