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The National Gallery lauched the first collection of NFT

The National Gallery lauched the first collection of NFT

To celebrate the goal of the millions of visitors of the exhibition" Time is Out of Joint", The National Gallery of the Modern Arts at Roma with the c

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To celebrate the goal of the millions of visitors of the exhibition” Time is Out of Joint”, The National Gallery of the Modern Arts at Roma with the collaboration of the ex-designer Martì Guixé, he has lauched the first gallery of NFT. 

After the assignment of the first 3 NFT, with campaigns of gamification online for 5 days of content on Twitter, Facebbok and Instagram, with 200.000 thousand views, and also 500 participants, and the contenst will end Tuesday 14th Febrary.

Each 6 Nft on sale are associated an exsclusive benefit, who buying the operas, and an enter gratis on the Museum on 2023.

Sunday 10th Febrary with a lotery will be assign the ultimate piece of the collections.
