Category: International Banking News

1 43 44 45 46 47 135 450 / 1346 POSTS
Coca-Cola’s attached bottle cap is rock bottom of hokey greenwashing

Coca-Cola’s attached bottle cap is rock bottom of hokey greenwashing

I don’t cover post-IPO companies a lot, and Coca-Cola is def on the list of ones I can generally ignore. But when the company sends out a hand-wringin [...]
Il Sahara arriva nei Caraibi: enorme piuma di polvere desertica si estende sino alle coste americane

Il Sahara arriva nei Caraibi: enorme piuma di polvere desertica si estende sino alle coste americane

Si sta producendo un grande  fenomeno atmosferico che porta la sabbia desertica del Sahara ad attraversare l’oceano sino a giungere sui Caraibi e sull [...]
Biden’s lame new Cuba policy misses opportunity to force change on the island

Biden’s lame new Cuba policy misses opportunity to force change on the island

In her classic book “The March of Folly,” noted historian Barbara W. Tuchman wrote about nations pursuing policies inimical to their interests “despit [...]
Web3: salva i contenuti della censura cinese?

Web3: salva i contenuti della censura cinese?

A Shanghai, che attraversa l’ottava settimana di lockdown, la frustrazione è salita alle stelle. E com’è consueto, i censori si danno parecchio da far [...]
I super ricchi e il potere dell’ immortalità

I super ricchi e il potere dell’ immortalità

I super ricchi del pianeta oggi non sono più solo “semplici” privati che hanno accumulato grandi capitali con l’obiettivo di accrescere il loro busine [...]
Canada: stuzzica gli Stati Uniti sul petrolio?

Canada: stuzzica gli Stati Uniti sul petrolio?

Martedì il premier dell’Alberta – la provincia nell’ovest canadese con le terze riserve di petrolio più grandi al mondo – Jason Kenney ha tenuto un’au [...]
Tebboune: Algeria, Turkey share common vision on Libyan issue

Tebboune: Algeria, Turkey share common vision on Libyan issue

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune said on Monday that his country is in agreement with Ankara's approach that the Libyan solution lies in "holdi [...]
Facing geopolitical pressure, chipmakers look to expand US production

Facing geopolitical pressure, chipmakers look to expand US production

As tremors in global supply chains continue to rattle everything from auto manufacturing to baby formula, the especially intricate domestic semiconduc [...]
Somalia’s international partners reaffirm their commitment to country following election

Somalia’s international partners reaffirm their commitment to country following election

Somalia's international partners issued a joint statement Monday for the first time since it elected a new president, saying they will remain steadfas [...]
Protests And Tension In Iran Continue Sunday Evening

Protests And Tension In Iran Continue Sunday Evening

Reports and images on social media indicate that anti-government protests took place Sunday night in at least one provincial center in Iran with gunsh [...]
1 43 44 45 46 47 135 450 / 1346 POSTS