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Antartic: an old ecosistem hidden under the ice

Antartic: an old ecosistem hidden under the ice

In Antartic exist an old ecosistem, hidden under the surface of the glace: it is rivaleted in the hypersaline brine from Boulder Clay Glacier, near th

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In Antartic exist an old ecosistem, hidden under the surface of the glace: it is rivaleted in the hypersaline brine from Boulder Clay Glacier, near the scientific Italian station.

Mario Zucchelli claims, that in the ice there is a presence of fungi and bacterias, that they can probably supply important evidence for the resaurcher, of life forms on the glace planets, as Uranus and Neptune.

The study was published on the scientific reports from the Istitute for Science Polar of the National Research Council of Messina.

The resarch have permitted to individuate in the areas of the ice, called Boulder Clay, a hypersaline brine, that for their different diversity microbial and geochimic, they permit an unique habitat respect of the brine so far studied.
