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Esa: a big iceberg is separated in Antartic

Esa: a big iceberg is separated in Antartic

A platform of ice has come off from the platform ice, called Brunt of Antartic, but it is happened, that it was starting to open since to 2012. Acc

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A platform of ice has come off from the platform ice, called Brunt of Antartic, but it is happened, that it was starting to open since to 2012.

According to the scientits the separation, not is caused by the climate change, but the caused they are the satellites Sentinel of Esa programs.

The Esa annunced, that the satellite images, confirm, that a big iceberg, about five times than bigger of Malta, it is finally separated from the platform of ice Brunt of the Antartic.

The crack, that have provated the separation, was rivelated for the first time in the 2012, after have been inactive, for some years.

A cura di Monica Origgi
