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Blue Origin: have develop a reactor that ti can extract silicon, aluminum and even oxygen.

Blue Origin: have develop a reactor that ti can extract silicon, aluminum and even oxygen.

A cura di Monica Origgi It calls Blue Alchemist, and it can facilitated the development a crowed people on the Moon surface. This project was re

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A cura di Monica Origgi

It calls Blue Alchemist, and it can facilitated the development a crowed people on the Moon surface.

This project was realized by Blue Origin, it contists to extrast important resoucers from the regolith, a mineral present in great abundance on the surface of the Moon.

The heart of the process is a reactor powered solely by electricity, it is able to melt the regolith, a tempeture of 1600 grades centigrade, therefore it is useful to extract through electrosis, material as silicon, iron, aluminum and even oxygen.

According to the Blue Origin the reactor Blue Alchemist is able to produce silicon pure a 99,99%, with a process based on solar energy, that it is useful to built a panels solar on the Moon.

The presence of the regolith on the Moon can permit a virtually unlimited supply of these materials.
