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An agreement with Plenitude and Simply Blue group to devolop a project for the floating offshore wind in Italy

An agreement with Plenitude and Simply Blue group to devolop a project for the floating offshore wind in Italy

Plenitude a part society of the group Eni, and Simply Blue Group developer of the progect of the bue economy, have sign an agrreement for increase a n

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Plenitude a part society of the group Eni, and Simply Blue Group developer of the progect of the bue economy, have sign an agrreement for increase a new project in Italy, regarding floating offshore wind.

In this agreement are present the experience of financial and tecnique capacity in the energy Italian market of Planitude, and the experience of Simply Blue Group, in the developing of a floating offshore wind in the worldwild.

The fist two projects are in Puglia and the second one is in Calabria. The first project will have a capacity about 3,8 TWh of the annual production of the energy.

This progect is important, because will covert the consumption of energy for 2,5 millions of people in Italy.

A cura di Monica e Tiziana Origgi
