HomeEuropean Start Up

Un mercato unico europeo per le startup

Un mercato unico europeo per le startup

di Luca De Biase/ Molti fondatori di startup europee hanno sottoscritto l’idea di uniformare le regole per le startup in Europa, acquisendo dall’esper

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arrows-300x300di Luca De Biase/ Molti fondatori di startup europee hanno sottoscritto l’idea di uniformare le regole per le startup in Europa, acquisendo dall’esperienza italiana la nozione di startup registrate. In effetti, nonostante le difficoltà di definire le startup, l’obiettivo sarebbe molto importante. E probabilmente finirebbe per essere un vantaggio per la scalabilità delle startup oltre che per i paesi che hanno legislazioni meno aperte. Forse favorirebbe addirittura anche un più distribuito sistema del venture capital. In ogni caso, l’idea sembrerebbe coerente con il Digital Single Market (Startup Europe Summit, Startup Europe). Ecco il comunicato.

Leading entrepreneurs call for the creation of a Single Startup Market in Europe

Europe has a potential market of 500 million customers but European entrepreneurs can’t take full advantage of its potential, because of fragmentation in the various member state jurisdictions. The effort from the Commission and member states to harmonize European legislation must continue. We at the Unicorn Forum and Founders Forum believe radical policy action must be taken to bring to scale the European startup ecosystem, and today are calling for a Single Startup Market, with support from some of the world’s most influential startup founders.

The objective is to create a single legal framework for qualified startups with standard rules across countries within the European Community. A special corporate regime accessible to qualified startups would facilitate a unique, simple and competitive legal framework for corporate, labour, tax/fiscal incentives, stock options, bankruptcy matters. Starting a business and operating across multiple different European countries should be as simple as it is to operate in a single country.

National policy makers, at present, have no sufficient incentives to harmonise their regulations toward a single market for European startups. A single legal framework will bring agility and easier cross contamination for European startups, making the overall innovation ecosystem stronger, bigger and more attractive for investors.

Gianluca Dettori from Unicorn Forum and Brent Hoberman from Founders Forum believe that the creation of a new Startup Single Market should be a simple, digital, standalone fully-fledged corporate legal environment. Similar initiatives have been taken or have been under discussion in Italy, UK, Germany and France and such an idea has already been discussed in the past, the so called “29th regime”.

Gianluca Dettori, Unicorn Forum, said:
“A single startup market in Europe would create a stronger ecosystem for innovation in Europe that could overcome our fragmentation and transform a problem in a solution: leveraging on our main strenght, our diversity

Brent Hoberman, Founders Forum, added: “A startup passport for EU entrepreneurs is an elegant solution to encouraging more founders to benefit from the large single market. This would be a critical step to make the Single Digital Market work for fast growth companies and not just the large giants. It will help more pan-European companies reach scale faster.”

Those who have signed the pledge so far include:

Alex Chesterman Zoopla Property Group
Alexander Asseily State
Denis Philippon Voyage Privé
Ed Wray Betfair
Eric Wahlforss Soundcloud
Errol Damelin Wonga /Thread.com
Fabio Cannavale Bravofly Rumbo
Frédéric Mazzella BlaBlaCar
Giles Andrews Zopa
Gilles Babinet Musiwave
Hermann Hauser Acorn / Arm
Jacques-Antoine Granjon Vente-privee
Jason Gissing Ocado
Jose Neves Farfetch
Klaus Nyengaard JustEat
Lucas Carne Privalia
Marc Simoncini Meetic/ Sensee
Moritz Kork Wayfair
Niklas Zennström Atomico
Ning Li Made
pierre Kosciusko- Morizet PriceMinister / ISAI
Robert Gentz Zalando
Renaud Visage Eventbrite
Taavet Hinrikus Transferwise
Thomas C. Hoegh LoveFilm
Toby Rowland King.com
Xavier Niel Iliad/Free
