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Patents green: the innovation friend of the environment

Patents green: the innovation friend of the environment

Di Monica Origgi The patents are the synonim of the innovation, but there aren't necessarly are green. The patents green are chacterized for the

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Di Monica Origgi

The patents are the synonim of the innovation, but there aren’t necessarly are green.

The patents green are chacterized for the innovatiovation, and they have a precise objective to render a better environment.

The LIUC Business School of Castellanza, have driven with the Observatory IP Cube an investigation, on the Italian region, that they distinguish to have patents, that they aim at the protection of the environment.

To misurate the innovation is more difficult. The research  was conducted on bases from the Innovation Patent Index, to the develop in the Centre of Tecnology Dygital and Innovation from the LIUC Business School, with a work of scientific research and with the help of machine learning machine algorithms.

L’ IPI is an innovation performance indicator.
