HomeLa Riflessione di Giancarlo Elia Valori

The Sapienza of March: The Professor Giancarlo Elia Valori looks the future

The Sapienza of March: The Professor Giancarlo Elia Valori looks the future

A cura di Monica Origgi What we can diffuse about this event is the think of the Prof. Giancarlo Elia Valori, because what he is writing became

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A cura di Monica Origgi

Elia Valori e J.D.Peron

What we can diffuse about this event is the think of the Prof. Giancarlo Elia Valori, because what he is writing became trending.

Media, Universities, and the world of economy are testimonial of his thinking. The Professor Valori nowdays generate tendence from different fields of international interests as geopolitics, economics, and authoritative relationship considered international.

Only in Italy theme as cybersecurity, geopolitics are  Valori, for the next generation.

All we found online from this forum  have an  international relevance it is masterfully written by Penne of esperience.
