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Alan Marchesi, tra i più Autorevoli conoscitori della finanza internazionale

Alan Marchesi, tra i più Autorevoli conoscitori  della finanza internazionale

Alan Marchesi between the best connoisseurs of the international finance. He was born in a traditional construtation family. He covered important rol

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Alan Marchesi between the best connoisseurs of the international finance.
He was born in a traditional construtation family. He covered important roles in big companies operative in financial and assurence scope.
His history born from a family paths and traditional in the building constrution.
Today is the best expert for his success and the finance value risk.
Relantionship with the protagonist of financial and the major international bag.
The mandates for the sale or conversion of business assets for the optimization of the value of large structures, are leaving to him.
Alan Marchesi rappresent the next generation of financial study for the change world.
Studying of the new entreprises financial, watching the new financial instrument.
Inside his curriculum are included operation of the business conversion.

A cura di Monica e Tiziana Origgi
