In a stunning development that has raised concerns among international security experts, former U.S. President Donald Trump has been reported to have [...]
Intervista al Prof. Giancarlo Elia Valori Giugno 2024
1. What do you think is “green overcapacity”? Does China have “overcapacity” in the green industry?
1. Cosa pensa della “green overcapacity”? La Cina [...]
International Banking News
Banche d'Italia
Spegnere gli incendi con IA e droni, l’idea di una startup dell’Università di Genova
Si chiama Inspire, ha ricevuto 2,5 milioni di euro di finanziamenti ed è nata con l’idea di aiutare i vigili del Fuoco: “Umani e macchine lavoreranno [...]
BCE, rivedere norme su fondi che investono in corporate bond per salvaguardare stabilità finanziaria
Gli squilibri strutturali di liquidità nei fondi di investimento potrebbero essere sia una fonte che un amplificatore del rischio sistemico e i fattor [...]
G20, bilaterale Meloni-Lula: il nuovo piano d’azione Italia-Brasile 2025-30
Concludere un nuovo Piano di azione del Partenariato Strategico Italia-Brasile per il quinquennio. È una delle questioni affrontate nel bilaterale tra [...]
Il Monte dei Paschi di Siena, la fusione con Bpm e il Terzo polo del credito in arrivo con Caltagirone e Del Vecchio
L'acquisto del 15% di Rocca Salimbeni è il prodromo della nascita del terzo raggruppamento bancario italiano. E gli azionisti soddisfano il governo
I [...]
Italia-Libia: accordo tra Camere di commercio per far crescere cooperazione economica
Import principalmente di petrolio ed export di materie prime industriali, apparecchiature meccaniche e prodotti agroalimentari. E alle famiglie la qua [...]
L’Amerigo Vespucci a Singapore, focus su innovazione e sostenibilità
Il Forum del Sole 24 Ore all’interno del palinsesto del Villaggio Italia, l’expo itinerante del made in Italy nel mondo
Dopo le tappe di Los [...]
European Banking News
The euro declined further against the US dollar to a fresh low in over two years amid concerns about the Eurozone’s economy, Trump’s tariffs, and mone [...]
Communication, Technology, Tourism & Finance
The UK has a storied love affair with beer, with brewing traditions that stretch back thousands of years. From the discovery of hops in the Anglo-Saxo [...]
Italian photographer Oliviero Toscani, best known for his work on Benetton's provocative advertising campaigns in the 1980s and 1990s including one fe [...]
The African Union has a strategy that, if successful, could help African states develop AI tools designed to their needs—and perhaps help the continen [...]
The 2025 acquisition trail has kicked off with Californian rare wine specialist Benchmark Wine Group snapping up Wine Spectrum to offer an “unmatched [...]
Electricity output from wind hit a record high in Sweden in 2024, with wind exceeding nuclear power for the first three-month period ever in the last [...]
The category is set to soar by US$4bn by 2028, with the US and Brazil leading the charge in the sector.
The non-alcoholic beverage sector is poised f [...]
di Paola Bergamo
Percepire la natura essenziale dell’essere è probabilmente il “segreto” dello Yoga.
Kalil [...]
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La solidità del sistema Bancario Italiano per le PMI, scegliete il più compatibile per le Vostre esigenze
The prospectors were trapped underground for months as police, on orders from South Africa’s government, attempted to starve them out.
Terms of the cease-fire deal that Israel and Hamas reached after a year of fruitless talks aren’t very different from ...
The deal would open a pathway to end the 15-month and begin with an exchange of some of the hostages ...
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who said this month he would step aside as leader of the country and Liberal ...
Ex-President Jair Bolsonaro, banned from leaving Brazil due to allegations he plotted a coup, has appealed to the Supreme Court ...
Her most-famous subject: Pale Male, a red-tailed hawk who inspired protests after his nest was moved from a Fifth Avenue ...
Authorities detained the impeached Yoon Suk Yeol, a move some say prolongs the divisions that have racked South Korea since ...
Nicholas Burns, the U.S. ambassador to China, also said he was leaving his post with deep concerns about the future ...
The action is part of a deal worked out with help from the Catholic Church to free political prisoners on ...
Militant group has failed to respond to draft of the deal after all sides expressed optimism about pausing the fighting ...