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Analysis | The role played by BRICS in responding to international challenges by strengthening global governance

Analysis | The role played by BRICS in responding to international challenges by strengthening global governance

A cura di Giancarlo Elia Valori Building a more comprehensive, closer, pragmatic and inclusive BRICS partnership is intended to achieve stronger, gre

BRICS to break West hegemony, create multipolar global system
Stralcio dal convegno del 30 novembre scorso a La Sapienza su BRICS e il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale .
BRICS: valutano l’ introduzione di una nuova moneta comune

A cura di Giancarlo Elia Valori

Building a more comprehensive, closer, pragmatic and inclusive BRICS partnership is intended to achieve stronger, greener and healthier global development. The international situation is currently complex and severe and the recovery of world economy is fraught with uncertainties.

As an important mechanism of cooperation between emerging markets and developing countries, BRICS has become the key to fostering global economic growth, promoting governance reform and maintaining international peace and stability.

David Monyaei – Associate Professor at the University of Johannesburg in the Republic of South Africa – hopes that BRICS will use their growing mutual political trust, economic complementarity and vast market to “help the recovery of world economy in the post-pandemic era and promote the international political and economic order so as to develop in a more just and reasonable direction”.

Paulo Robert – Assistant Professor at the BRICS Policy Research Centre in Brazil – said that since the establishment of the BRICS Cooperation Mechanism, achievements have been implemented continuously and fields have been expanded for cooperation in agriculture, science and technology, as well as energy. Furthermore, the promotion of BRICS cooperation continues to achieve new results.

Today’s global development is facing a severe situation, and BRICS will become an important platform for uniting efforts and brainstorming, which will help improve the cooperation mechanism, bring the world economy out of difficulties and open a new era of development.

BRICS are all important developing countries in their regions, and a driving force that cannot be ignored in the world economy, driving regional and international economic and trade growth. There are strong hopes that cooperation among BRICS will strengthen, in view of achieving mutual benefit and consequent win-win outcomes; strengthening economic cooperation; and expanding trade and investment in technological innovation, low-carbon green environment and other fields.

Strengthening unity and cooperation among BRICS will provide greater momentum to development in the international community. Indeed, the BRICS cooperation mechanism meets the expectations of emerging markets and developing countries to promote peace and development in the world and create a better future.

As recalled in my previous articles, BRICS are a decisive force on the international stage and have the ability to steer the global economic situation out of the fog of uncertainty and instil confidence in the world economy.

BRICS are instrumental in stepping up the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, steadily promoting the implementation of important initiatives, and jointly building a community fit for these purposes. Raising BRICS cooperation to a higher level is an eagerly-awaited step, and the original and new members fully discuss, enhance coordination and promote cooperation in many fields such as finance, economy and trade, scientific and technological innovation, and the prevention and control of infectious diseases.

The global economic recovery is currently fragile and weak. The development gap is widening, and challenges such as climate change and digital governance are severe enough to push the international community to address the real challenges.

Marcos Deoli – editor-in-chief of Brazil’s Business Herald – said that in recent years BRICS countries have achieved remarkable results in cooperation in the fields of economy and trade, innovation, education and sustainable development.

The BRICS Cooperation Mechanism in various fields, such as food security, the green economy and scientific and technological innovation, has broad prospects and great potential. Since its inception, the BRICS Cooperation Mechanism has been closely linked to the fate of a large number of emerging markets and developing countries. Years ago, China’s President Xi Jinping proposed the “BRICS+” cooperation model, which received proactive support and enthusiastic response from all sides, thus enhancing the value of this new extended grouping. Moreover, the proposal to start the process of continuous expansion of BRICS members is still on the agenda.

Kritan Bahana – editor-in-chief of the South African magazine Foreign Affairs – said that the expansion of BRICS not only demonstrates the open and inclusive image of these countries, but also meets the expectations of emerging and developing markets, and contributes to enhancing the representativeness and influence of these countries, as well as providing greater contributions to world peace and development.

BRICS will continue to expand their influence and deepen cooperation, and will further become one of the most important forces in promoting global economic growth and improving world governance.

Expanding BRICS membership not only contributes to promoting openness and inclusiveness of cooperation, but also fosters further strengthening of the developing countries’ voice through South-South cooperation and the promotion of the prosperity and stability of each member in the international community.

BRICS are pursuing the concept of open and inclusive cooperation and are attracting ever more countries to participate. This proves once again that the great initiative to build a community with a shared future for mankind is correct and timely. The “BRICS+” model enriches the connotation of cooperation between countries and peoples, expands the global partnership network and strengthens solidarity and cooperation between these countries and further markets. The BRICS cooperation mechanism conforms to the world with the developing trend of multipolarisation and economic globalisation. BRICS are therefore expected to provide new and greater contributions to promoting the creation of a new international political and economic order that is more just, equal, fair and democratic.

This is because the BRICS Cooperation Mechanism is an important platform for cooperation. The more the BRICS cooperation mechanism develops, the more it can strengthen the power of world peace and development, and the more it will be able to play a larger role in safeguarding the interests of all countries, including those inside and outside the grouping, and developing countries.

Lately, the international community has paid much attention to the expansion of BRICS. Since 1 January this year, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia and Iran have become BRICS official members and the number of Member States has increased from five to ten. After enlargement, BRICS will gain in quality and weight and greater cooperation between them will play a more important role in promoting peace and development in the world and in common protection.
