Tag: Europa

1 2 3 27 10 / 265 POSTS
Analisi critica delle politiche economiche europee: il caso Italia Vs Francia-Germania

Analisi critica delle politiche economiche europee: il caso Italia Vs Francia-Germania

Le politiche economiche dell'Unione Europea  negli ultimi anni hanno sollevato interrogativi sulla loro equità e coerenza,  in particolare riguardo al [...]
Germania… crack!!!

Germania… crack!!!

GERMANIA... CRACK!!! La Germania è in ginocchio. Il colosso d'Europa, l'economia che doveva trainare il continente, sta crollando come un castello [...]
La nuova strategia africana dell’Italia. Un modello per l’Europa

La nuova strategia africana dell’Italia. Un modello per l’Europa

    Il Piano Mattei  rappresenta non solo  un’iniziativa politica,  ma una finestra di opportunità per ridefinire il ruolo dell’Europa in Africa [...]
uropean Centre for Information Policy and Security (ECIPS): Legal Authority and Functions

uropean Centre for Information Policy and Security (ECIPS): Legal Authority and Functions

Introduction The European Centre for Information Policy and Security (ECIPS) was established as a Federal Approved Agency by Minister of Justice an [...]
Giano bifronte: il doppio volto della finanza tedesca

Giano bifronte: il doppio volto della finanza tedesca

La Germania sembra riuscire a bilanciare l’austerità con massicci investimenti senza infrangere i rigidi trattati europei. Come è possibile?  Semplice [...]
CYBERPOL’s AI-Driven Initiative: A New Era in Global Cyber Policing

CYBERPOL’s AI-Driven Initiative: A New Era in Global Cyber Policing

CYBERPOL, the International Cyber Policing Organization, has announced a groundbreaking initiative to transition its operations entirely to Artificial [...]
European Centre for Information Policy and Security (ECIPS) Issues Warning on the Use of Frozen Russian Assets

European Centre for Information Policy and Security (ECIPS) Issues Warning on the Use of Frozen Russian Assets

Brussels, May 21, 2024 – The European Centre for Information Policy and Security (ECIPS) has issued a stern warning regarding the proposed allocation [...]
European Criminal Court: A Revolutionary Initiative to Combat Global Corruption and Transnational Crime

European Criminal Court: A Revolutionary Initiative to Combat Global Corruption and Transnational Crime

European Criminal Court: A Revolutionary Initiative to Combat Global Corruption and Transnational Crime The European Criminal Court (ECC), an ambit [...]
Addressing the Lack of European Security: “The Imperative for Swift Action” ECIPS President Baretzky

Addressing the Lack of European Security: “The Imperative for Swift Action” ECIPS President Baretzky

Addressing the Lack of European Security: "The Imperative for Swift Action" ECIPS President Baretzky                                                  [...]
European Centre for Information Policy Opposes ICC Attempt to Issue Arrest Warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu

European Centre for Information Policy Opposes ICC Attempt to Issue Arrest Warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu

European Centre for Information Policy Opposes ICC Attempt to Issue Arrest Warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu                                              [...]
1 2 3 27 10 / 265 POSTS