Tag: nucleo

The Heart of Mars is smaller and denser than expected

The Heart of Mars is smaller and denser than expected

The heart of Mars is smaller and denser than predicted, as shown by the first detections of seismic waves through the core of the Red Planet made by t [...]
The Earth can have an other secret layer inside the nucleo?

The Earth can have an other secret layer inside the nucleo?

The Earth could have an other secret layer inside his nucleus. A group of scientists have ipotized, that exist a five layer inside the Earth. Th [...]
The Earth’s core can have reversed its rotation

The Earth’s core can have reversed its rotation

The theory of two researcher of the Pekin University, after they have anlyzed the propagation of seismic waves of earthquakes, in the ultimate years. [...]
Il nucleo interno della terra non è perfettamente sferico

Il nucleo interno della terra non è perfettamente sferico

Crosta, mantello, nucleo. Abbiamo tutti ben presente l’immagine del pianeta Terra, suddiviso in una serie di perfette sfere concentriche, onnipresente [...]
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